


The Whiteboard puts a blank canvas at your disposal for typing, drawing, and editing text and other visual input.

Zoom's Whiteboard lets you to provide input (and facilitate interaction) by serving as a digital classroom board — but with the added capability of showing typed text as well as annotations, images and drawings.

“Learners need input to learn. To achieve high levels of competence in an L2 they need exposure to massive amounts of input.”

Ellis & Shintani, p. 186

Like other input sources, the Whiteboard is available through the Share Screen function — assuming that you have turned it on first in your Settings. (See Zoom → Whiteboard for step-by-step instructions on accessing and using the Whiteboard.)

By using the Zoom Whiteboard as a source of input for students, you can:

The Whiteboard function allows you to copy and paste from other text sources (Word, PDF, email). This means you can:

Whiteboard can be configured (see Zoom → Settings) to allow other participants to annotate it, which opens up additional possibilities for input and interaction:

References & Resources

Ellis, R. and Shintani, N. (2014). Exploring Language Pedagogy through Second Language Acquisition Research. London & New York: Routledge.

A YouTube tutorial on Whiteboard annotations and controlling how students use this feature: [4:30]