ipad and stylus


iPad + Stylus

Using a tablet (such as an iPad) and stylus (such as the Apple Pencil) is the digital equivalent of adding handwritten comments to assignments, with the added benefit that the homework can be returned immediately as an attachment.

If handwriting is important in the L2 that you teach — e.g., in languages that do not use a Roman alphabet — providing handwritten feedback on quizzes and tests is crucial, especially for beginners

Fang Yan (CHI), Nancy Coffin (ARA), Hisae Matsui (JPN) and Philip Zhakevich (HEB) all recommend asking students to write quizzes, tests and homework by hand, either on a print-out of a Word document (for longer assignments) or simply on a blank sheet of paper (for shorter assignments and quizzes).

To submit their work:

The resulting document (a marked-up assignment in Arabic) looks like this:

Nancy Coffin (ARA) provides a step-by-step description of the mark-up procedure used here:

And finally, Hisae Matsui (JPN) offers a recommendation for organizing digitally marked-up homework and tests:

“One way to organize in-coming and out-going folders is by making two folders in each student folder and labeling them “To be graded” and “Graded.” Students put their quizzes in the “To be graded folder,” the instructors grade them, then put the graded quizzes in the “Graded” folder. In this way, the only thing instructors need to look for are the documents in the “To be graded folder.”